Our Distinguished Advocate

Posted: April 22nd, 2015 by

Partner Megan Watson was honored with a Distinguished Advocate award tonight at the Support Center for Child Advocates’ annual benefit at the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia. The award was presented by SCCA Executive Director, Frank Cervone and staff attorney, Barry Kassel. Frank Cervone’s speech included:

. . . I’d be remiss if I didn’t share, I know, Megan’s own affection for her colleagues in the law firm who are here, Margy Klaw and Joni Berner, also active — tremendously active — in this pro bono community and leaders in their own right and it’s a really special firm that you have made and you all bear responsibility for making it the special place that it is.

For your personal affection, your abiding presence and your committed leadership on behalf of the many children and families you have served, we honor you, Megan Watson, as a Distinguished Advocate.

Margy Klaw, Joni Berner, Megan Watson

Margy Klaw, Joni Berner, Megan Watson

Megan Watson with SCCA attorney Barry Kassel

Megan Watson with SCCA attorney Barry Kassel

Megan, McKenna & Chris Watson

Megan, McKenna & Chris Watson

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